A downloadable game

* Uploading here for anyone wanting to help with testing and get involved in development by giving us some ideas and opinions. This is not currently a full game it is a work in progress and currently in a very early stage. Many assets currently being used are place holders until we can have some custom and more unique ones made. 

We are a very small team but very passionate about making this game and hope that others will enjoy it with us as well! 😀

* Game is in early development

Discord Server


Ataraxia is a horse themed third person RPG game where you can tame, collect, breed and sell unique horses. There will be an in depth stat system for horses and the player as well as many unique horse shapes, sizes and colors, and a rarity system! There will be plenty of events where players can share their horses and enter into events such as horse racing and more. Players will be able to build a stable/home of their very own and also connect with other players! There will be an in depths inventory system and many fun items to craft, collect and trade!

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